Overseers and Churchwardens

There are virtually no references to the fabric of Escomb church in these accounts but there is the following entry, confirming that the church walls were still being whitewashed.

1679 – Memorandum. That on ffryday the thirtieth Day of Aprill Ao D’ni. 1697 the Hon’ble Robert Booth Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Durham with the Reverend Hamond Beaumond official visited the Chappell p’sonally and found all things therein in good and decent order except the whitening wch. the chappellwdns. are enjoyned to get done and Certifye at ye next Michaelmas Visitation.

Posth. Smith Register

The church was involved in charitable works of various kinds as can be seen in these donations:

1684 April the 13th – collected within the Chappell of Escombe the summe of one shilling and three pence upon a brief for damage done to ye town of Runswick by a kinde of Earthquake.

1684 May the 18th – collected in the Chappell of Escombe the summe of one shilling, nine pence and fower bodwells upon a Session brief for Wm. Laverick, Thomas Smith, and Thomas Rea of Wolverstonne in the County of Durham.

1685 May the 18th – collected in the Chappell of Escombe the summe of one shilling two bodwells……a fire happening in the house of William Lumley of Hunwicke.

1685 December ye 6th – 1/3 collected for a fire in the house of Thomas Robinson of Branking Moor in ye parish of Darlington.

Two further miscellaneous items are of interest.

1708 By virtue of an Excommunication to me and others directed from ye right honourable Rob. Booth Archdeacon of Durham, Jane Manson, John Hudson and Thomas Pattison were denounced excommunicate. Jane Manson and Jo. Hudson were excommunicated for fornication. Tho. Pattison for not frequenting publick divine service in his parish Ch. Of Escomb and being a profane wicked common swearing person, a noted raler, a sower of sedition, faction and discord among his neighbours, the ex’tion was denounced February the 27th 1708.

John Pickering –  Minister

Geo. Brown,  Wm Peele – Churchwardens

1759  “An infallible Cure for ye Bite of mad dog taken within nine days.  Take one handful of Wormwood, one handful of Rue, one handful of Balm, one large Garlick Head, 2 of Venise Treacle, a small piece of inner rind of dogberry Bark, 2 spoonfuls of pewter filings, boil them all (except ye Venise Treacle) in 2 qts. of ale down to one, strain them thro’ a cloth then put in ye Venise treacle; and give them all a boyle. This for a Beast a pint of this at morning, the same at night and half the Quantity for anything else.”